Orlando speaks with Ted Nugent

Orlando speaks with Ted Nugent

Well, when they created the phrase “One Of A Kind” they were probably thinking about Ted Nugent. That dude is 74 years old and I was winded after 20 minutes of trying to keep up with that guy on the phone. Yes, he’s brash. Yes, he’s highly opinionated. No, I don’t agree with everything he says but that’s beauty of life. You can disagree and still have a conversation and ANY conversation with the Motor City Madman is HIGHLY entertaining. You know it’s a little nerve-wracking interviewing a guy like Ted. Not because I think he’s gonna yell at me or tell me he wants to hunt my dog but because with a guy who talks THIS much, you don’t wanna lose control of the interview. It can go off of the rails fast if the person you’re talking to just TAKES over then you look dumb and it sounds BAD. Ted doesn’t do that. You THINK he’s going to but that guy is crazy like a fox. He’s careful and considerate with interviewers and his answers are actually well thought out. I THINK I handled this well. Let me know what you think 

Ted Nugent plays The Paramount in Huntington – tickets are available, click here for more information.